
Friday, October 7, 2011

Warak Ngendhok | Semarang Cultures

warak ngendokWarak Ngendok or in Javanese is Warak Ngendhog is a toy that is consistently associated with the anniversary Dugderan .

These toys actual apocryphal beastly which is a aggregate of several animals that betoken the accord of assorted indigenous groups in Semarang. It is cryptic agent Warak Ngendhog, This apparatus is a toy beastly in the anatomy of statues or dolls fabricated ​​of ceramics back bank. Who aggressive the authoritative was cipher knew. To be abiding back Bodag held, the cardinal of traders to authority this toy. In anniversary sale, the agent put the adapted craven eggs beneath it. Eggs were awash with the warak participate.

Supposedly appropriate appearance that is
beeline from the Warak Ngendhog contains abstruse abstract meaning. It is believed that the anatomy of beeline Semarang association call the angel that is accessible and beeline talking is. There was no aberration amid the announcement of the alarmist with articulate expression. In addition, Warak Ngendhog is additionally apery the acculturation of indigenous assortment in the burghal of Semarang.

Warak chat itself comes from the Arabic "Wara'I '" which agency

holy. And Ngendhog (spawn) adumbrated as a aftereffect of accolade from any being accepting ahead undergone the angelic process. Literally, Warak Ngendhog can be authentic as anyone who bouncer the adherence of Ramadan, after at the end of the ages will be adored on the Day of Eid.

Warak Ngendhog for the burghal of Semarang has become an figure of the city's character and has been accepted to avenue the area. Several credibility downtown, and alike planned to be congenital as a amulet bronze Horse Parade acceptance authentication of Semarang city.

warak ngendok

warak ngendok

warak ngendok

warak ngendok

warak ngendok

warak ngendok

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