
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Sedekah Bumi | Semarang Cultures

sedekah bumiCeremony name in question is the Sedekah Bumi

The aims and objectives ceremony held Sedekah Bumi is a request that the results of peasant farmers in the coming period to work well. Sedekah Bumi ceremony was held ahead of rice planting season.

Similarly, Sri Mapag ceremony, a ceremony was held on Sedekah Bumi rice paddies pilot demonstration plots are owned by individuals that are managed together. Not all villages have a field demonstration plots. If in a village that will host the ceremony Sedekah Bumi does not have a field demonstration plots, then the Earth Alms ceremony held at the fields which are strategically located on the roadside, pematangnya broad, and the results of both fields.

Another place that used
the village hall which is where execution of a crowd of leather puppet show prototype. This prototype puppet show as a gesture or an announcement when it's time the farmers get ready to work on their respective fields.

Before stepping into the ceremony, village leaders to discuss the implementation of deliberation before the rice-planting ceremony. After deliberation fishing levies funds bersarnya dependent capabilities of each. After the fund was held just a crowd gathered.

Sedekah Bumi ceremony involves many parties. First is Punduh the person who led the ceremony. A Punduh is the elder person. Is a figure who has the ability to communicate with supernatural powers. Punduh addition, the farmer or group of farmers, and village officials. At the ceremony the Earth Alms guests usually come from the district level.

Preparation of the first stage is the formation of the committee meeting. The second phase of fund raising ceremony for the cost of Sedekah Bumi. The third stage is preparing the main ceremony of offerings. Offerings are nearly the same as the offerings for the ceremony Mapag Sri. The difference, for the ceremony of Sedekah Bumi sesajennya without makeup tools. In addition there is also a fruit cone. After the ceremony, the cone is a right Punduh.

The ceremony includes the phases of the Earth Alms selecting seeds and clearing irrigation. Implementation of this Earth Ceremony Alms internal nature of the village down. Can be implemented by one village, one block, or individual.

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

sedekah bumi

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